We'd love to hear from you

M: 99401 03539 (Ravi Kumar)
M: 98400 98012 (Suresh Subbian)
We are at
Labour Colony,
Guindy Industrial Estate,
Chennai 600 032, TN, India
​How do I
place an order?
Please email us or call us once you have a list of the items required and we'll take it forward from there.
You can also make the payment as per below details and email us the payment details and the list of items required along with the shipping address and we'll dispatch it within 2 working days.
& Shipping
Payments to be sent in advance by cheque favouring DilSeBol Customized Apparel Pvt Ltd.
Electronic Bank transfer can also be done to the below account:
Account name: DilSeBol Customized Apparel Pvt Ltd
Type: Current Account
A/c No.: 30919813524
Branch: State Bank of India, SME Branch, Adyar
IFSC: SBIN0013361
Pls email us the payment details and the shipping address and we'll dispatch it within 2 working days.
Secure Ordering
& Payment Options
In case you would like to pay by card, pls let us know and we will share a secure payment link through our payment gateway.
GPay (Google Pay) - Use mobile no. 99401 03539 or scan below QR code to make payment using GPay.
Paytm: Scan below QR code to make payment.

& Refunds
In the unlikely event of any manufacturing defects, please let us know within 1 week of product receipt and we will rectify or arrange for a replacement. No refunds are possible.